

Hello my name is Marina, welcome. I have been blogging for about 7 years. My blogs are base on lifestyle topics. I hope you enjoy! Marina Graham

Lifestyle Blog

Create a Fall Bucket


Fall is coming soon, so let's get this bucket list together! If Autumn was all year around I will take it and will not complain. This is my favorite season I love the scenery, the weather, the fashion, anything that is trending around this time. How I came up with the idea of a bucket list for Fall is when I was on Pinterest. I was looking up things to do and do some exploring in different areas where I live. Of course searching for one thing it leads to another, and that's how Fall Bucket List came in mind.

To make this fun and interesting is to make a checklist. Summer is about to leave so let's think ahead and get this Fall Bucket List together.


Getaway have several locations. The company provided tiny cabins that are located in the woods where there are a lot of things to explore around, it's just like camping. They supply you with everything you need: kitchen, mini refrigerator, a shower, queen size bed, and many more. Check them out.

This will be a wonderful experience to explore the outdoors. No need for a tent where you have a tiny cabin with a huge window to see the beauty of nature.

Make a Fall wreath...Research D.I.Y Projects

I love D.I.Y Projects so this will be fun to make. I did a winter wreath but I halfway complete it. Michaels, A.C. Moore or any other craft stores is good to get your craft supplies on making a wreath. Go to their websites and check different kinds of craft to do for the season.

Go to the mountains

How beautiful is seeing the mountains up close and looking at the beauty from the top of the mountains. The beauty is when getting up early to see the sunset.

Farmer's Market

It is the harvest season, so all the fresh fruits, and vegetables are display for you to look, feel, and purchase. Go to your local farmer's market and/or sometimes the farmers be will on the side of road by their farm with their products.

Pair Wine With Seasonal Foods

I like to taste different wines and know which wine go with which type of food and dessert, specially when preparing for a gathering and/or dinner. Going on the web it's easy to find the information, but the fun part is to go to a wine festival. The first time I went to a wine festival in 2016 was a Caribbean theme where Linganore Winery & Vineyard hosted the event and others. I like how I was able to enjoy the live music, taste the food and sample different wines and knowing which wine goes with different types of food and dessert. Most wine festival do have where you can tour to their vineyard, learn the history and the making of their wine. Eventbrite and GroupOn are the best websites to check on wine festivals and receive discounts!

Transition Trending Summer To Fall Trending

Getting things together for the fall season should be fun! Everything that was packed away now it's the time to get them out of storage. Things you don't want no more or can't fit, donate them to your local organization/charities, or thrift store.

There are alway of things to do for the fall season. Find something that comforts you and try something new, enjoy this wonderful season and see what it offers!

Veggie Black Bean Burger Sliders


This well-known burger is known in the veggie community. Lately I have been a pescatarian, the only meat I eat is seafood. This is not my first time as a pescatarian so I know the do's and don'ts which is very easy don't eat other meat than seafood. 

Black bean burger is not new to me but it's new to me cooking it! My first time eating the burger was at a restaurant, I saw it on the menu and wanted to try it out. Reading the ingredients I knew it was a vegetarian dish. This was about 1 or 2 years ago, fast forward this pass Sunday. I went to a gathering I knew I couldn't have no meat except seafood. Looking at the menu and saw Black Bean Burger, I went ahead an order it. I was thinking to myself I never try to make a veggie burger, the ingredients are similar so, why not.

Making a burger is easy you can't go wrong preparing it.  Went to the grocery and purchase my items. I didn't want a regular size burger, so I went ahead and got sliders because the burgers were going to be my afternoon healthy snack.


1 can Black Beans Canned
1 cup of Frozen or Fresh Bell Peppers
1 cup Bread Crumbs or Flour
1 large Egg
¾ cup Cilantro
¼ tbsp of any seasoning you will like to add to the ingredients for more flavor
Slider Hamburger Bun
¾ cooking oil
Romaine Lettuce (optional)
Cole Slaw (optional)


Blending Black Beans and Bell Peppers

  1. I use one cup of the beans to blend in the blender and the others I left whole. I don't have a food process, so I substitute with my smoothie and food blender.
  2. I pour in the cup of black beans, ¼ tbsp of cilantro, and some of the bell peppers blend them.
  3. In the bowl I add bread crumbs, seasonings (black pepper, salt, paprika, smoked paprika, ground mustard, and dried parsley) one egg, and then add the blended ingredients to the bowl.
  4. Mix the ingredients and then add the rest of the beans, bell pepper, and cilantro.
Note: The bread crumbs or flour and egg help put all the ingredients together so they can stay together when it comes to cooking.
  1. I use olive oil to cook them. You only need ¾ tbsp or less of cooking oil for each batter. When I cook them, I had to add a little more oil to each burger set I cooked.
I did two methods for this:
  1. I use a scooper and place them in the pan
  2. I use the ice cream scooper place it in my hand and try to make it round and then place it in the pan.


  1. When I flip them over I use a spatula, they can be tricky, after I flip each one of them over, I press them down a little so it can cook thoroughly.
  2. Once the other side is cooked I flip it over again for a minute and them take them out and get ready for the other set of burgers.
  3. I place them in a cooling rack, let them sit for about 2 minutes.

Now the fun part, eating!!!

Create a Fall Bucket