

Hello my name is Marina, welcome. I have been blogging for about 7 years. My blogs are base on lifestyle topics. I hope you enjoy! Marina Graham

Lifestyle Blog

It's Coffee Time...Sunday Breakfast


Sunday breakfast. Waking up and getting day started, fixing some delicious breakfast meal.
I was going to do something similar fruit and coffee, until I look into the refrigerator and I add some in the mix. Fried eggs, fried potatoes, slice tomatoes, and fruit with trail mix. Of course coffee and water.

Before breakfast, waking up making bed and get into the shower. A waking moment for body and hair. Wash hair, blow dry and start fixing breakfast.

Now for the coffee, I use one of my favorite coffee mug, and I use the dark roast instead of the mild or blonde ground coffee. The reason why I use dark roast the most because I pour flavor liquid creamer in my coffee and I don't want the creamer to take away from the coffee flavor. Yes, dark roast is strong, bold, with a little bitter in it, but I am not that bold to drink it straight, (laughing) I might try it one day. One thing I can say, I hook that coffee up; it was delicious and I enjoy every sip of it.

Pumpkin Spice (Pie) Latte and others

I do want to make the maple pecan latte, and others. I am some into the fall of things. I know everyone use the same ingredients but change up or add some in the mix, but the top ingredients are milk, pumpkin pure, of course coffee. You can't say it's a latte if you don't have milk in it: nice, warm, stream up with foam. 

Now, for a coffee drinker, I do my research  of different kinds of coffee. I am more of a basic coffee drinker; you got your coffee, with your cream and go head and add some sugar in that cup. I started to get more into latte, Frappuccino, cappuccino, expresso and others when I start drinking Starbucks, and Dunkin' Donuts. I search on the internet to understand more about them, the ingredients that’s inside the drinks, and what make them different. I know McDonalds is stepping up their coffee, okay now go head.

Yes, this is in "My Coffee" blog, but it's okay, let's keep going. While, I am eating my breakfast, I tune into Sunday service online The Potter's House OneLA with Pastor Tourè Roberts and Sarah Jakes Roberts. It was a wonderful word, as always when I tune in. It's Sunday, so I am going to enjoy!

That's all folks!!!  

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